CHT/IAT TGT PCM Practice set-1

Welcome to your CHT/IAT TGT PCM Practice set-1

This practice set contains 30 question .

Each Question carries 1 mark.

There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each  wrong response .

The critical velocity for a non-viscous liquid is

The Potassium graphite and Calcium Graphite can be mostly used as which among the following?

The probability of not getting a sum 7 in a single throw with a pair of dice is

The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ (Z = 26) is not equal to that of.

Which of the following has the longest wavelength?

. The weight of the body at the earth’s surface is W. At a depth half way to the centre of earth , it will be (assuming uniform density in earth)

Two finite sets have m and n elements . The total number of subsets of the first is 56 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The values of m and n are

The points of trisection of the line segment AB , joining the points (3,-2) and B(-3, 4) are

If x-by+3=0 , ax+2y-3=0 are consistant and dependant . Then the values of a and b will be respectively

Which method is used in general to obtain metal from its sulphide ore?

The ionic radii of N3-, O2-, F- and Na+ follows the order

How are the point (3,4) and (2,-6) situated w.r.t the line 3x-4y-8= 0 ?

A body falls 16 metres in the first second of its motion , 48 metres in the second, 80 metres in the third, 112 metres in the fourth and so on. How far does it fall during the 11th second of its motion.

In the binomial distribution the mean of the number of heads in 15 tosses of a coin is

Write 5th term of G.P. is 2, find the product of first 9 terms

Transuranic elements are those which are

Two tubes A and B are in series. Radius of A is R and that of B 2R . If water flows through A with velocity then velocity of water through B is

. A certain volume of water is taken from the surface of a lake to a depth ‘h’ . To calculate the change in its volume, we shall have to take into consideration its

The number of water molecules present in a drop of water (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature is ________

The difference between two numbers is five and the difference between their squares is 65 . The larger number is

. A body is released from the top of the tower H metre high. It takes t second to reach the ground. Where is the body t/2 secound after release ?

Three 4 ohm resistors are connected in the form of an equilateral triangle . The total resistance between any two corners is

If a constant force is applied to mass, it moves with a uniform

An oxide of metal has 20% oxygen , the eq. wt. of oxide is

Which of the following in case of a discrete data, is not equal to the median

The values of observed and calculated molecular weights of silver nitrate are 92.64 and 170 respectively . The degree of dissociation of silver nitrate is

An inductance of 2 henry is connected in a D.C. circuit. Then the value of inductive reactance is

. A wheel with 8 spokes is rotated in a plane normal to the earth’s magnetic field so that an emf of 4 mV is induced between the axel and rim of the wheel. Keeping all other things unchanged, the number of spokes is increased to 16. Now , the emf between the axel and the rim of the wheel is

The most commonly used bleaching agent is

. The half-life of a radioactive element is 1580 years . How long will it take to reduce to 1/4th of its original mass ?

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